
Getting a Tattoo! Is It a Sin?


Getting a tattoo! Is it a sin? Tattoos have become very common these days. People get tattoos for different reasons, some fell in love and think they have found their soulmates and as a result, get a tattoo of the name of the person they have fallen in love with, especially when asked is it a sin getting a tattoo? Therefore in this article you will find the answers to your question about getting a tattoo and if its a sin according to the bible.

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The one verse in the Bible which refers to the issue of tattoos is Leviticus 19:28, which reads as follows: “Do not cut your body for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourself. I am God.” This passage of scripture does not really say anything about tattoos as we know them today but if you read this verse in context, it is referring to cutting and scarring of the skin which was what pagan nations did to honor their gods or to receive help from them. God’s people must be a holy nation, only follow God, and have nothing to do with the idols of the surrounding nations.

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Since the Bible is not clear on this, how can we know whether a tattoo is good or bad? Fortunately, God has given us the common sense that we can use to understand this for ourselves. The first question you might ask is, “Why do you want to get a tattoo?” Do you want to rebel a little against your parents or some other authority? Do you want to express your individuality or maybe you just like body art?

There are many reasons why most people, especially young adults, give for getting tattoos. These include wanting to belong to a social grouping whose members have tattoos, and second, feeling insecure about their appearances.

Why Feel Insecure When You Are God’s Creation?

It is natural for people to feel insecure about how they look, especially in our crazy world of social media. But you need to know are a gorgeous and gracious creation of God. The standards of beauty in the world are always changing, but God’s love is not. The Bible says of God’s people in Isaiah 49:16, “I have engraved you in my hands.” Find your trust in God’s approval and the love of your friends rather than getting a tattoo that will dent God’s image.

For Some People, It Is Just Rebellion.

Rebellion against authority and the desire to express one’s individuality is often part of growth. But

if your parents got hurt when you got the tattoo, it is not worth it. Sometimes you have to make decisions that your parents disapprove of as you grow up and find your own path in life. But even if we disagree, we should always try to respect our parents and not seek confrontation over unimportant things, like tattoos.

Does the New Testa Say Anything About Tattoos?

The New Testament says nothing about whether people who believe in Jesus Christ should get a tattoo or not. Therefore, we cannot say that tattooing is a sin. Because of the silence of Scripture, receiving ink falls into the “grey area” category, and believers must follow their beliefs on the subject and respect those who may have different beliefs. The following are some of the guidance from the Bible, not particularly about tattoos per se, but general guidance that can help individuals make the right decisions which include not getting a tattoo:

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Children are to honor and obey their parents (Ephesians 6:1-2). It is biblically intolerable for minors to have tattoos against the will of their parents.

The outside appearance is not as important as inner development. This should be discouraged to be in the heart of a Christian (1 Peter 3:3-4). A person who wants a tattoo to attract attention or arouse admiration is vain. Further, it is sinful to focus on him or herself.

God looks at our hearts and our motivation for everything we do should be to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Motives for getting a tattoo include wanting to look unique or to fit in with friends or acquaintances. These are not for the glory of God. The tattoo itself may not be a sin, but the motivation behind it could be.

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We are ambassadors of Christ, conveying God’s message to the world (2 Corinthians 5:20). What message does the tattoo send and will it be helpful or discouraging to portray Christ and share the gospel?


In addition, the entire Bible from the Old to the New Testament does not out rightly say it is a sin to get a tattoo. But one thing is certain, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. How we look on the outside is a representation of what is inside of us because the package is as good as the content, thus, getting a tattoo should not be encouraged but is it a sin? Not quite.


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