Types of Forgiveness in the Bible

60 Bible Verses About Love According To The Bible
60 Bible Verses About Love According To The Bible

This article will discuss the types of forgiveness that are there. It will begin with defining what forgiveness is before proceeding to discuss the types therein. The article shares three types of forgiveness in the Bible, forgiveness can be defined as a deliberate act of releasing feelings of resentment and/or vengeance. This can be towards an individual or group of individuals who might have wronged you.

The following are the types of forgiveness that are there.

1.The first type is Exoneration

Exoneration is the closest thing to what we usually think of when we say “forgiveness”. Forgiveness is the complete erasure of the sheet and the reconnection to the state of complete innocence. This state existed before the harmful act was committed. There are three common situations in which waivers apply. The first type is to realize the dangerous act was a real accident without blame.

This will happen when you realize the dangerous act was a real accident without blame. The second is when the abuser is a child or someone else who for some reason doesn’t understand the pain it causes and for whom you feel love. The third situation arises when the person who hurt you is truly sorry and takes full responsibility (not apologizing) for what they have done, apologize and give them confidence that they will not intentionally repeat their bad deeds in the future.

In all these situations, it is important to accept their apology and offer full forgiveness for their release. You will feel better, and so will the person who hurt you. In fact, not giving forgiveness in these circumstances will be detrimental to your own well-being. He may even suggest that there is something wrong with you rather than with the person who hurt you, use any of the three types of forgiveness in the Bible.

2. The second Type is Forbearance

Forbearance is when the abuser partially apologizes or mixes their expression of sadness with guilt that somehow causes them to misbehave. An apology is made, but it’s not what you expect or not completely authentic. While you should always consider whether there has been a provocation on your part, even if you weren’t responsible, if the relationship is important to you, you should be patient. Stop dwelling on certain evils, get rid of poison and fantasies of revenge but remain vigilant.

Forbearance leads to exoneration and full forgiveness. But what do you do when the person who hurt you does not even admit they did something wrong or offers a blatantly dishonest apology without making amends? These are the most difficult cases of forgiveness. Examples are adults who experienced violence against children, business people who have been cheated on by their partners, or friends or relatives who have cheated on them.

3. The Third and Final Step is Release

The release does not exonerate the perpetrator. It also does not require forbearance. It doesn’t even require you to continue the relationship. But it requires that instead of continuing to define a large part of your life in terms of pain, you let go of your bad feelings and your own feelings. Worry about the negative things that have happened to you.

Liberation does something very important. It allows you to get rid of the burden, the “silent tax” that weighs on you. It eats away at your chances for happiness. If you don’t lessen the pain and anger and beyond the old pursuit of pain and betrayal provides need for three types of forgiveness in the Bible, you will allow those who have hurt you to live free, live in your spirit. You will forever experience the persecution that fueled the original event.

Whether you achieve it through your own efforts, through psychotherapy, religion, or other methods, Liberation frees you from the tyranny of living in a traumatic past. This is true even when other forms of forgiveness, exoneration, and forbearance are not possible.


There are three types of forgiveness in this article. They are; exoneration, forbearance, and release. These helps with having a conscious, and making a deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person.

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