Role of man according to the Bible

What is the role of man according to the Bible?
What is the role of man according to the Bible?

What is the role of man according to the Bible? According to Ecclesiastes 12:13 The man’s duty: fearing God and keeping His commandments. The bible in the book of 1Co 11:3 also outlines that the male’s position over his wife and under Christ. Ephesians 5:25-33 The husband shall love his wife as Christ loves the church.

The Man Must Be the Provider of The Home

A man is charged with the task of taking care of his own family as well as his relatives. The book of 1 Timothy 5:8 says that a man who fails to provide for his own family has denied his faith and is, therefore, worse than someone who does not even in God. Such a man today, can be said to be worse than an atheist. Therefore, a man needs to work hard and put food on the table for his family to be satisfied.

To Be Husband

The Bible says man ought to leave his parents and live with his wife away from the parents. The and his wife then become one flesh. Being a husband is not easy. They must provide for the family, love the family, discipline the children, defend the wife and their household when need be, and so on.

To Bear Accountability

A man being the head of his wife (1 Corinthians 11:3) should be accountable for the wife who is under his authority. What this means is that there is nothing the wife can do without the husband being privy to it first. Whatever the wife does or chooses to do must first have consulted with the husband and seek permission. However, that does not mean treating the wife like a slave or someone who cannot think on her own. It only means that she knows that the head of the family is the husband should be aware of everything that happens in the home, it also shows a united and loving family.

To Be the Defender of the wife

The book of 1 Peter 3:7 says women are weaker vessels which entails that they cannot defend themselves and that is where the husband should step in and defend the woman he loves (even if he does not love her anyway, as long as he calls her “wife” he just has to defender her). What is the role of man according to the Bible? includes to defend his wife, however, does not mean that he has to get physical like what Will Smith did when he slapped Christ Rock during the 94th Oscar Award ceremony after the latter cracked a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith, the wife to Will Smith. One needs to defend the wife so as not to bring shame upon yourself and the family.

To Love the Wife

It is actually a command for the husband to love his wife the same way Jesus Christ loves the Church. This is according to Ephesians 5:25-29 instructs husbands to give themselves for their wives. In the same manner, Christ chose to die for the Church and if the husband does not love his wife, then it means he has no love for himself since the husband and wife are one body and as such, no one can hate their own bodies.

Give Counsel to the Children

The duty of a man is not just to father children but to give counsel and instruction to them. The book of Ephesians 6:4 urges fathers to disciple their children and instruct them in the way of the Lord. The same scripture also warns against fathers provoking their children. Children need to live in an environment where there is love and care and instruction. They need instructions in life in general as well as what the Lord requires of children. But when they are in the wrong, they need the father to discipline them.

To Be A Priest in His Home

Job is the perfect example of a man being a priest in his home. There is no record in Bible where Job was an actual priest called to minister in the sanctuary. He did priestly duties on behalf of his family recorded in the book of Job 1:5. This says he would offer sacrifices on behalf of his children once they were done feasting, just in case they offended God during the feast. Job did not report what transpired during the feast for him to offer sacrifices, no, he offered them as long as his children feasted. Therefore, Job is a model which men who are husbands need to emulate.

To Be strong

A man, according to 1 Corinthians 16:13, needs to be strong. To be strong, he needs not to have a faint spirit. He needs to be courageous enough to face trials head-on and eventually overcome them. Life is not always easy. As a husband, son, or nephew, you ought to man be the hope for others in the family or community. To be strong entails not having an attitude of easily giving up when things get tough. It entails getting tougher to tackle the situation as a man. Therefore, be strong as a man in every situation.


The Bible has a lot of roles for a man and men to help you learn about what is the role of man according to the Bible. The verses in the Bible talk about man, in the context of a family, to be a husband, provider, and defender.

